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Bank Records Show Joe Biden Received $40,000 in Money From China

Joe Biden received $40,000 in laundered Chinese money.
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Joe Biden is getting bad news one day and worse news the next. The latest installment concerns a check written on laundered Chinese money.

Shortly after members of his family received money from China, Joe Biden received a $40,000 check from the wife of James Biden and once again it is described as being a repayment of a loan.

That would be true if you consider that Joe Biden lent his name to a business venture between Hunter Biden and China.

Comer says in the video:

“Well, not only did he lie about his son Hunter making money in China, but it also turns out that $40,000 in laundered China money landed in Joe Biden’s bank account in the form of a personal check. First, Northern International Capital, a Chinese company associated with CEFC, wired $5,000,000 to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and a CEFC associate.”

“Then, Hudson West III sent $400,000 to an entity owned and controlled by Hunter Biden. Next, Hunter Biden wired $150,000 to Lion Hall Group, a company owned by Joe Biden’s brother James and sister-in-law Sara Biden. Sara Biden then withdrew $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall Group.” 

“Later the same day, she deposited it into her and James Biden’s personal checking account. A few days later, Sara Biden cut a check to Joe Biden for $40,000. The memo line of the check said, ‘loan repayment.’”

The Oversight Committee released a memo containing bank records of the transactions between the Biden family and its Chinese business associates which resulted in Joe Biden taking $40,000 of Chinese money in September 2017. Hunter Biden told his office manager he was “office mates” with Joe Biden and CEFC in late September 2017, around the time Joe Biden received a $40,000 check from money originating in China.

From The Daily Caller

The bank records indicate Hunter Biden wired $400,000 to his Owasco account on Aug. 8, 2017, the same day Hudson West III was sent $5 million. He sent $130,000 from Owasco to his Rosemont Seneca Advisors LLC account, an LLC he previously used to purchase his Porsche.

Hunter Biden wired $150,000 from Owasco to James and Sara Biden’s Lion Hall Group on Aug. 17, 2017, the bank records show. Lion Hall’s balance was reduced to $115,822 because of purchases made between Aug. 14 and Aug. 25, 2017, after the funds came in from Hunter Biden.

Sara Biden wired $50,000 from Lion Hall on Aug. 28, 2017, and $50,000 was deposited into her personal account with her husband on the same day. Sara and James Biden’s personal account had a $46.88 balance prior to the $50,000 deposit, bank records show. She sent the check to Joe Biden on Sept. 3, 2017, for a “loan repayment” less than a month after James Biden’s business relationship with Hudson West III began.

James Biden’s Lion Hall Group took payments directly from Hudson West III throughout 2018 for a total of more than $76,000, the bank records show.

The memo lays out the Biden family’s relationship with CEFC, which began when Joe Biden was vice president, according to an FBI FD-302 summarizing an interview with Hunter Biden’s former business associate, Tony Bobulinski.

“CEFC had used its relationship with HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN – and the influence attached to the BIDEN name – to advance CEFC’s interests abroad. HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN did not receive any monetary compensation for their assistance in these projects. HUNTER BIDEN and JAMES BIDEN did not receive any compensation because JOSEPH BIDEN was still VPOTUS during this time period,” the document reads.

Bobulinski provided the FBI with a hard drive full of communications with Hunter Biden, and told the FBI the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop reporting was real, the FD-302 form states.

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Comments 14

  1. Excellent work, Mike. I greatly commend your effort because I currently generate more than $38,000 each month from just one simple web business! Even with just $29,000, you may start developing a reliable online income and these are just the most basic internet operations occupations.
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  2. Lawrence M says:

    Well as usual the Criminal Biden Regime Government continues to carry on business as usual unscathed by any form of interference or Law Enforcement Intervention! This while “decent law aiding citizens” expressing their Constitutional First Amendment Right to peacefully protest are crush by raids, arrests and prosecution to get the horrid criminals off the streets and into the slammer!

    What a country the Globalist supporting regime has going! Talk about Dystopian, Orwellian, Marxist Nazi Dictatorships this one “Takes the Cake” as the so called “Land of Liberty and Freedom!” “Free for Invaders and Criminals” that is, to “have their cake and eat it too!”

  3. Ron C says:

    And the fool takes his bribes and kickbacks without a care in the world! As the corrupt lawyers and their buddy Judges continue to steal from the citizens as they give the crime families in government their blessings!
    All the while persecuting an innocent Trump and busting down the doors of the citizens!

    • Lawrence M says:

      Yes Siree Ron C; all right out in the open without flinching and not missing a beat; or a payment/kickback!

      These guys fell in love with the old adage of money makes the world go round; then perverted it to “all the money is ours” to do what we please!

      You know how they say in Gambling Establishments “the House always wins;” so they perfected it to where the government is “just as rigged!”

  4. Leftshot says:

    Let’s be clear, the Bidens know EXACTLY what happened. They have had plenty of time to explain how these payments are all on the up and up…if they were. But they aren’t saying. Why would you do that? Answer: Because the damage in saying something is worse than the damage of saying nothing.

    Every time Joe Biden has made a statement about these foreign power deals (bribes), it has been proven he lied.

    I never discussed my son’s business interests with him. – LIE

    Neither I nor anyone in my family received any money from China. – LIE

    Many tens of thousands of pieces of evidence in emails, text messages, bank records, eyewitnesses, pictures, phone calls, and video make it clear the Biden Family committed the impeachable (and highly illegal) crime of seeking and accepting bribes from foreign powers to act on their behalf and not that of the American People.

  5. David Barron says:

    The Internal Revenue Service took Capone out of business with less evidence than this but then again, the FBI and DOJ actually did their jobs for the people instead of a crooked POTUS.

    • Lawrence M says:

      David Barron and wrausch; the situation is far more grave than we actually think we know it to be. Foreign adversaries like China’s CCP troops and Iran’s Hezbollah along with many other nations or terrorist factions are embedded in our government apparatus! And not just the crazy squad broads they are just window dressing and a joke, but, the most evil maniacs of the world are here or at least pulling strings from afar and also being allowed to bring in their troops mixed in with all of the border invaders, as well being flown or shipped in clandestinely! I too thought about the RICO Statutes apply and how bad Al Capone was, but yet they nailed him. But this current situation is far beyond that in comparison a cakewalk, and is exponentially bigger as well as much more complex; with a variety of potential flashpoints that could erupt at any time causing huge cascading dire consequences for the American People! I hate being crude but it does seem that we are “up shits creek without a paddle!”

  6. wrausch says:

    Republican House: this is WAY past enough is enough! Get rid of the blight on America. NOW!

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  7. Marry says:

    Start your home business right now. Spend more time with your family and earn.Start bringing 95$/hour just on a computer. Very easy way to make your life happy and earning continuously….
    ???? AND GOOD LUCK.:)
    HERE====)> W­w­w.S­m­a­r­t­c­a­r­e­e­r­1.c­o­m

  8. Dexter Wilson says:

    Not only should Joe be impeached but has committed Treason following all of Klaus Schwab’s instructions to make America a Third World Country to put us under the World Economic Forum and help establish the Great Reset. Yes, Treason see you tube: The shocking truth of the World Eonomic Forum (Jimmy Evans Tipping Point)

  9. Drosack says:

    Oh no, not bank records.

  10. Don says:

    I’ll believe it only when I see it.

  11. deplorablylost says:

    Dream on, Sniffin’ Joe will get away with it. He’s been scamming the american public for 5 decades. Nobody can touch him like nobody has been able to touch his 53 year old drug addicted son.

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