Some people get the elevator and some people get the shaft, but Commonwealth’s Attorney Buta Biberaj, the “progressive” prosecutor who openly boasted that she would only enforce laws she approved of is now being kicked to the curb. She is still insisting that she hasn’t lost and plans to fight for her job.
Now, does that mean she will be persecuted for not accepting the election results? Get serious, after all she is a Democrat and that places her above the law.
Biberaj won her previous election with the help of George Soros who contributed $800,000 in a race where normal spending is just $150,000. Even so, she barely won the election. She prosecuted Scott Smith, the father of the rape victim for complaining about the rape of his daughter.
To show how truly evil this woman is, she let the rapist off the hook and he molested another girl shortly thereafter. She completes the removal of every Democrat involved in the attempted cover up of the rape.
The school board knew they had made a career decision when they tried to hide the rape at the same time they were working on a plan to allow any boy claiming to be transgender into the girls’ restrooms’ and locker rooms.
Only two members of the school board ran for reelection, both of them Democrats and both of them were soundly defeated. The former superintendent was convicted of his crimes and is awaiting sentencing.
Biberaj, alongside then-school board member Beth Barts, was a member of the “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County.” That was a secret Facebook group dedicated to punishing parents who refused to allow the radical members on the school board to have total control of their children. Biberaj wasfor the absolute indoctrination of the county’s children.
Smith was convicted by a judge. He later appealed and a judge threw out the resisting arrest charge, meaning the only remaining charge was “disorderly conduct” for cursing. Gov. Glenn Youngkin granted him a pardon, leading Biberaj to openly stew that she couldn’t put someone in jail for cursing. Late at night, she repeatedly posted on social media bizarre screeds about Smith, saying “Karma will not ever be your friend” and “[Smith’s Twitter handle] you are constantly showing your lack of humanity.”
When it came to the rapist — as opposed to his victim’s father — Biberaj released him from juvenile detention, allowing him to sexually assault another girl. He was ultimately convicted of both assaults, but due to an error by Biberaj, he was never placed on the sex offenders registry.
Sean Kennedy of Virginians for Safe Communities, which has called attention to the politicization of the role of chief law enforcement officer, told The Daily Wire that the result shows that “voters woke up.”
“Standing up for victims and law enforcement is not a partisan or ideological issue,” Kennedy said. “After a four year nightmare, Loudoun County voters woke up to the nightmarish reality of these (un)prosecutors and booted Buta Biberaj. Good riddance.”
Among school board races in Loudoun, Democrat Harris Mahedavi, who was on the school board during the rape coverup, lost narrowly to Republican Deana Griffiths.
After The Daily Wire’s October 2021 expose of the rape coverup, Barts resigned, and was replaced by Democrat Erika Ogedegbe, who went on to vote to conceal from the public the “independent” report that the board commissioned on the rape coverup, which confirmed massive Title IX violations by the district.
On Tuesday, Ogedegbe lost to the Republicans’ preferred candidate Lauren Shernoff, who ran on a platform of getting ideology out of schools.
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Now “Remove” her citizenship and “Exile” this Witch to Parts Unknown! Anyone associated with the diabolical Soros in this manner is supporting evil.
The wokecow should be in jail.
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“…due to an error by Biberaj, he was never placed on the sex offenders registry.” I am sure that “error” was intentional.
My deeply damaged trust in Americans is slowly being restored with the trickle of real justice coming back to kick the perpetrators into their behinds.
It is a trickle because the Dike needs to open up full force to actually change the paradigm before it’s too late! And let’s face it these people are all being as corrupt as it gets and evil!
And her lack was a direct cause of the subsequent offense by the deviant so they both should be on trial and then into the slammer for at least 20 years!
Perhaps a better way to state the obvious is that the “Winds of Justice” MUST “Prevail.”
“Hopefully sooner” rather than later! So much innocence or good is being trampled upon and destroyed! Far too long evil has had the upper hand.
Time to bring a CIVIL SUITE against Biberaj! She did not contribute to a safe school environment for any student. What she did create was a Liability how dumb can ya get.
May Justice find her.
Justice should unequivocally “Find” so many! Inevitably justice will find them all either here in this world or when they face “God.”
Every one of those people should be in jail for concealing the crime – including the prosecutor.
Just one of millions of liberal libtards in our judicial system that needs to be gone……to jail.