Are you really surprised that Rashida Tlaib has been defending Hamas? After all she cofounded Black4Palestine along with Kristian Davis Bailey.
That group has been linked to support for Hamas. Bailey is an activist who has supported the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which Black4Palestine also supported.
Canary Mission is a group that fights against hatred both from the right and the left and they have investigated Tlaib and organizations that she has supported and have been supported by them.
Three people with ties to Hamas have also raised funds for Tlaib as well as for terrorists according to the watchdog group.
Claims Regarding Black4Palestine
Canary Mission further alleges Tlaib’s involvement with the Detroit-based activist group Black4Palestine, which she co-founded in 2015. This group has been accused of supporting Hamas and other terrorists. Co-founder Kristian Davis Bailey is said to have ties with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the U.S. government.
Canary Mission reported:
Black4Palestine [Black For Palestine] is a pro-terror, anti-American, anti-Israel activist group co-founded by U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Kristian Davis Bailey. It is based in Detroit and was established in 2015.
Black4Palestine has shown support for Hamas members, as well as other terrorists. The group has posted online more than 100 times in support of terrorists.
The group has expressed support for leaders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an armed Marxist-Leninist group that is listed as a Foreign Terror Organization (FTO) by the U.S. government.
Co-founder, Bailey, is an anti-Israel activist who has conducted activism with leaders of the PFLP who are part of Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (Samidoun), an anti-Israel NGO designated as a terror entity by the Israeli government in 2021 for being an agent of the PFLP. Samidoun’s three senior activists – Khaled Barakat, Mustapha Awad and Mohammed Khatib – are PFLP members [pp. 22-25].
Bailey has engaged in anti-Israel activism with Barakat and Khatib on multiple occasions through Samidoun.
The three people with connections to Hamas that also fundraised for Tlaib are, Salah Sarsour, Rafeeq Jaber, and Abdelbaset Hamayel.
FBI documents from the 1990s suggest Salah Sarsour was involved in funding Hamas through certain organizations. Sarsour, associated with the Islamic Society of Milwaukee, arranged fundraising events for Tlaib in both 2018 and 2020.
Canary Mission alleges that Sarsour was not just a participant but was the lead organizer of the event, even providing his personal contact details on the official campaign flyer.
Canary Mission can now confirm that Sarsour was listed on an official Tlaib campaign flyer as being the lead organizer of the event, even giving out his personal phone number for contact.
Previous reporting showed that Tlaib and Sarsour took multiple photos together [bottom right].
Rafeeq Jaber: Jaber reportedly hosted a Tlaib fundraiser in 2018. He is a co-founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). In 2003, Jaber testified about his involvement in distributing Hamas propaganda in the U.S. He was also associated with the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) and the American Muslim Society (AMS), both of which have been linked to supporting Hamas.
Canary Mission reported:
In 2003, Jaber testified that he directed two Hamas front groups in the U.S. to “promote [the Holy Land Foundation] in every way we can” and to distribute Hamas propaganda materials, including an August 2001 editorial that advocated martyrdom operations and the killing of Jewish people.
At the time, he was reportedly president of the IAP and the American Muslim Society (AMS). According to a court document, AMS was “d/b/a [doing business as ] the Islamic Association for Palestine in Chicago.”
IAP and AMS published and distributed pro-Hamas documents in America. According to U.S. government prosecutors [p. 30], IAP served as “the media arm of Hamas in America” and played [p. 5] a central role in disseminating Hamas propaganda “intended to continue to promote and move forward Hamas’s agenda of the destruction of the State of Israel and establishment of an Islamic state in its place.”
IAP and AMS also directly contributed funds to HLF and encouraged its supporters to donate to the Hamas-linked organization. IAP’s logo was featured on the publication of Hamas’s charter.
Abdelbaset Hamayel: Another co-host for Tlaib’s Chicago fundraiser in 2018. Hamayel has held positions in various organizations, including KindHearts and the IAP, both of which were allegedly tied to Hamas.
According to Israellycool, “Abdelbaset Hamayel, was the Director and Secretary General of the Islamic Association for Palestine, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation case and described as Hamas’ public relations arm in the US.”
Canary Mission revealed:
He worked in senior positions for two Hamas-linked organizations in the U.S. that are now defunct. He has also held senior positions [p.13] in AMP.
Hamayel reportedly served as the “representative” in Illinois and Wisconsin for KindHearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development (KindHearts). The group was dissolved in 2011 after the U.S. Department of the Treasury discovered that it was funneling funds to Hamas.
As of November 18, 2001, Hamayel was reportedly the Executive Director and Secretary General of the IAP.
IAP’s publication, Al-Zaytouna magazine: “focused on Palestinian issues with an emphasis on support for Hamas.” Al-Zaytouna magazine allegedly contained at least one article encouraging readers to donate [p.30] funds to HLF.
IAP was alleged to be one of four central organizations founded in the U.S. with the mandate to support Hamas, with varying missions calculated to address Hamas’s needs comprehensively.
Is Rashida Tlaib the right person serving in the Congress? She may not actively participate in terrorist acts, but she would gladly hold the coats for those who do.
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This woman is an anti-Semite, anti-American subversive terrorist sympathizer and should be removed from office or at the least should not be allowed on any committees that have to do with our national security and blocked from any confidential and top secret information. She and her ilk are not to be trusted.
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I hope she’s removed in the next election. Send her to Gaza.
She should be removed from office in the government and the rest of that filthy squat aka squad and whoever had them installed in congress should be removed as well the the very idea from having these supporters of terrorists should have had every American up in arms about this there should have been protests against putting these backers of terrorism IN OUR COMGRESS.
Tlaib should be censored. I am not sure about losing her job. I hope the people who voted for her think twice about voting for her again if she chooses to run. THis country is already divided & she is not helping the situation. IF she does try to help, maybe she should shut up & do it quietly rather than run her mouth all over.
No greater POS. exist than the 4 Douchbags in the squad. they should be deported to Iran!
Talib is a POS and needs to be expelled from congress and shipped back to her country. And if she is an American needs the crap beat out of her and shipped to Gitmo for Treason. No matter what she does not belong in Congress.
Why is this phony person aloud in this country? Kick Her out of My USA. Everything about Her is Offensive, But Her Anti-American Spew is Sickening and offensive I grew up in America and Love this Country So Leave and do it soon.!!!!
Besides that she is ugly!
Since Hamas is killing Americans it is an act of Terrorism to support them. Rashida Tlaib Has Many Ties To Hamas and has established funds to help them. She is a Terrorist by supporting them and should be immediately removed from the US Congress, physically removed from he office and expelled from Washington DC and maybe even arrested for aiding and abettting the enemy. This has to end and end now!
You hit the nail on the head !!! To allow this piece of human excrement to continue to support Hamas which is a terrorist organization while holding ANY political office in our nation is a complete disaster and against every oath of office taken by anyone elected to our government. This muslin trash should not only be removed from office for her actions , but prosecuted for giving aid to foreign terrorist group that calls for the destruction of the United States of America.
The Anti-American communists that call themselves Democrats are destroying The United States with their actions and policies, shown daily.
People like talib and omar should have never been allowed into our government in the first place. ” omar ” should have been deported once it was discovered that she lied on her Immigration paperwork and came to The United States with the omar family while her brother and sister went to England under their actual Nur Said Elmi family names. Then Ilhan married her actual brother and lied on their tax paperwork and school filings.
The fact that The Democrats support these people shows that they don’t care about The United States or the citizens they are supposed to be working for.
How can this ANTI-AMERICAN person funded by terrorist organizations even be allowed in Congress. She deserves to be expelled, now.
Why can’t Sniffin’ Joe sign an EO kicking the Hamas loving terrorists, aka The Squad, out of politics and the country? Oh, I forgot, they have a D behind their names. They’re untouchable!!!